Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico Recinto Fajardo
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Section 4 CAEP Accreditation Details year 2023 – Initial Level

3.2 AFI AFI Evidence of Cohort Average that that Exceeds the CAEP Criteria BA and MA year 2023

(CAEP 3.2 AFI Evidence of Cohort Average)

4.1 EPP Current CAEP Accreditation Status and Review

4.1 Evidence of Middle States Association ACCREDITATION of TEP – MA and BA

  1. EPP’s CAEP accreditation status with an accurate listing of the EPP’s CAEP (NCATE/TEAC) reviewed programs (Evidence of Middle States Accreditation 2023)
  2. EPP’s data display of the CAEP Accountability Measures for Academic Year 2022-2023(Listing of programs 2022-2023)
  3. 4.2. CAEP Accountability Measures [2022-2023 Academic Year]
  4. Employers evaluation of Fajardo TEP completers (IP-12)

Employers evaluation of Fajardo TEP completers (IP-12)
Analysis of Statistics (Fajardo TEP Annual Report 2023)
Fajardo TEP Annual Report 2023 (Masters Degree)

4.2 CAEP Accountability Measures Initial Level

Measure 1 Completer Effectiveness in Applying Professional Knowledge, Skills and Disposition

Employers Satisfaction with Fajardo TEP completers

Collaborative agreement with Directors 2022

Evidence of meeting Stake Holders participation 2022

Evidence of collaborations with CBPR in relation to PCMAS results of Fajardo TEP

Measure 3 Candidate Competency at Completion

Ability of Fajardo Program to meet Professional Licensing Requirements year 2022

IAUPR Student Academic Progress Report Evaluation and Analysis PEM BA Year 2022

Candidate Completion Certification NORM for PEM Graduation Requirements

Supervisor evaluation of trainee teachers

PD1R Cooperative Teachers Evaluation Instrument for Teacher Trainers

Cooperating Teachers Evaluation of clinical Practice

Measure 4 Ability of Completers to be hired in Education positions for which they have been prepare

Employment Data from DEPR for 2022

Section 4 CAEP Accreditation Details year 2022 – Advance Level

Measure 2 Satisfaction of Employers and Stakeholders involment

Colaborative Agreement 2022 Advance

IAUPR Graduation Requirements for the Master’s Degree and Professional Certificates

Measure 3 Candidate Competency at Completion

Academic Progress Norm Evaluation Advance

Disposition, Ethics and Professional Conduct Instrument

Measure 4 Ability of Completers to be hired in education positions for which they have been prepared.

Completers from the Educational Leadership and Management Program ET14

Employment Data in field 2022 Advance

Section 5 Areas of Improvement

3.2 Part I Evidence of 2022 Cohort average that exceeds CAEP criteria and TEP admissions criteria

5.1 Evidence of Quality Assurance and Continuous Improvement

Section 4 CAEP Accreditation Details year 2022 – Initial Level

4.1 EPP Current CAEP Accreditation Status and Review

4.1 Evidence of Middle States Association ACCREDITATION of TEP – MA and BA

4.2 CAEP Accountability Measures Initial Level

Measure 1 Completer Effectiveness and Impact in K-12 Learning

R 4.1 Completer Effectiveness and Impact in Students Learning August to December 2021 Case Study

Completer Effectiveness in Applying Professional Knowledge, Skills and Dispositions

R 4.1 Employers evaluation of Fajardo TEP year 2021 completers effectiveness in their workplace IP-12 R

Measure 2 Satisfaction of Employers and Stakeholders

R 4.2 Satisfaction of Employers of 2021 TEP Graduates Completers Initial Program

R 2.2 Evidence of school visits to obtain employment mileage and administration ISP16 SEPT NOV 2021

R 4.2 BA Collaborative agreement with schools year 2021 for clinical practice course

R. 2.2 Evidence of collaborations from CBPR (College Board of Puerto Rico) in relation to PCMAS Results of Fajardo TEP

R 2.2 Evidence of meetings Stake holders participation 2021

R 2.2 Collaborations with CBPR (College Board of Puerto Rico) for PCMAS cancelation Year 2020-21

R 2.2 Evidence of Collaborations with schools to visit graduates 2021

Measure 3 Candidate Competency at Completion

R 3.3 Ability of the Fajardo TEP 2021 graduates to meet Professional Licencing requirements year 2021

R 3.3 Analysis of TEP academic progress report for BA candidates year 2021

R 3.3 EPP – Bachelors 2021 Candidate Competency for Success and Completion Graduation Requirements

R 3.3 CAEP 1.1,1.2, 1.4 PD2R Supervisor Evaluation of Trainee Teachers

R 3.3 1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4 PD1R Cooperative Teachers Evaluation Instrument for Teacher Trainees year 2021

R 3.4, R1.1, R1.2, R.1.3, R1.4 Cooperating teachers evaluation of clinical practice candidates dispositions (PD11) Year 2021

Measure 4 Ability of Completers to be hired in Education positions for which they have been prepared

Employment Data from DEPR Human Resources and Private Schools in positions where they were prepared for 2021 EPP Graduates

Employment data for Fajardo TEP graduates in positions they were prepared using IAUPR Survey 2015-2016-2017-2018 reported in 2020

Ability of 2021 graduates to be employed in positions that they were prepared using ET14 survey

Section 4 CAEP Accreditation Details year 2022 – Advance Level

Measure 2 Satisfaction of Employers and Stakeholders involment

RA 4.2 Employers Satisfaction with Educational Leadership and Management completers A 07R RA 4.2

RA 4.2 Evidence of Collaborations with stakeholders school directors clinical faculty Year 2021 BA and MA

RA 4.2 Advance Collaborative Agreement with school principals year 2021

Measure 3 Candidate Competency at Completion

RA 3.4 Evidence of Academic Progress Norm Evaluation Report for the Advance Program Once a Year for the Year 2021

RA 3.4 Advance Educational Leadership Completers Average Criteria for success at Completion Year 2021

RA. 3.4 Disposition, Ethics, and Professional Conduct Intrument (A-04 Disp Liderazgo) Year 2021

Measure 4 Ability of Completers to be hired in education positions for which they have been prepared

Employment data of 2021 MA Graduates in Educational Leadership using ET-14 Survey in the position they were prepared

Employment Data for 2021 EPP Graduates MA – private schools in the level, specialty they were prepared

Section 5 Areas of Improvement

R 3.2 Part I Evidence of 2021 Cohort average that exceeds CAEP criteria and TEP admissions criteria

R 5.1 Evidence of Quality Assurance and Continuous Improvement

Display of Data for the 2021 EPP CAEP Annual Report 1140 19thStreet, NW |  Suite 400, Washington, DC 20036. Telephone: 202.223.0077 | fax: 202.296.6620 caepnet.org

00 Fajardo Campus Final detailed Narrative of the Annual Report year 2021 ( CAEP )

Section 1 EPP Profile, Accreditation of the Fajardo Campus Teacher Education Programs


08-Advance Graduate Satisfaction Questionnaire

1. Fajardo EPP CAEP Final Accreditation Report, May 15, 2020

2. CHE Middle States Commission on Higher Education accreditation

2.A Six ( 6 ) accredited programs for Initial Licensure offered in the FC EPP

2.B Education and Advance, pages 211 to 213

3. IAUPR General-Catalog-2019-2020

4. D.E.P.R Teacher Certification Requisites for PR_Num. 8146 _ January 2012

5. Spanish Version of the Requisites for MA Leadership GERENCIA-Y-LIDERAZGO-EDUCATIVO

5. A. Final report case Study from the researcher in regard to K-12 learning August to December 2020

5.B . T Test Results – Group utilized for the K-12 Leaning research in Sonifel College – DEC 2021

5.C. I-E 8B Instrument completed by the researcher for Mara’s Portfolio Aug-DEC 2020 case study

6. 4.2 Employers’ evaluation of Fajardo TEP completers teaching effectiveness using the IP-12 R Instrument

7. IP-12 Graduates effectiveness in the application of Professional Competencies

8. ( 4. 3) Employers Satisfaction with Fajardo EPP completers using ISP-16 Instrument

9. ISP-16 Revised Employers Satisfaction Survey English Version

10. 4.4 Graduate satisfaction of the TEP using the EGRE.S 15 Instrument

11. EGRE.S. 15 Graduates UG Satisfaction Questionnaire

12. Graduation Rates – Cohorts 2008 to 2014 B.A

13.  Graduation Rates Cohort 2013 to 2014 MA in Educational leadership FC Campus

14. List of PCMAS Review from College BOARD for Year 2020 for FC EPP

15. STD. 4 Evidence of PCMAS Administration Cancelation for year 2020 and administration for 2021


17. List of PMAS Test Taking or Passing for Educational leadership Active Students Year 2020

18. Employment mileage Results narrative for UG and Advance Year 2020

19. Employment Mileage from DEPR for the 2017 to 2020 UG EPP Graduates employed in the Public System

20. Advance Employment mileage in Educational Leadership Program Year 2020


22. IAUPR 2019-2020 Graduate Catalog , Admission requisites pages129-130

23. 3.2 Advance Leadership Admission Cohort 2018 to 2020

24. 3.2 Total admitted and enrolled Cohort to FC TEP year 2019-20

25. Alignment of Advanced Instruments and their premises to CAEP Standards

26. Guidelines for Curriculum Development IAPR Feb2016_English Version Dec2019

27. Guidelines for the Review of Single and Shared Academic Programs Feb2018_English version Dec2019

28 .Evidence of institutional Educational leadership Institutional Revision Committee tasks and revision

29. Medullar AREA Courses at the IAUPR Institutional Revision Comittee Evidences in Blackboard Course CCIPC1920

30. Evidence of IAUPR Secondary Biology Institutional Revision Committee tasks

31 . ATTENDANCE SHEET Departmental meetings – CAEP – 2019-2021 – Continuous Improvement

32. Evidence of Agendas of Departmental meetings held – Continuous Improvement 2019-2020

33. Evidence of Continuous Improvement activities from the Dean of Studies at the FC Jan 2020 to DEC 2020

34. Alignment of Advanced Instruments administration Protocol and premises of each instrument aligned to CAEP Standards


36. Standard 3 Satisfactory Academic Progress Requirements for the TEP

37. Copy of letters sent to EPP candidates for the evaluation of academic satisfactory progress

38. Letters sent to EPP candidates – Satisfactory Progress

39. STD 3 . Advance Programs Satisfactory Academic Progress Requirements

FAJARDO CAMPUS CAEP ACCREDITATION ACTION REPORT MAY 15 , 2020 1140 19thStreet, NW |  Suite 400, Washington, DC 20036. Telephone: 202.223.0077 | fax: 202.296.6620 caepnet.org

Inter American University EPP -Fajardo Campus Narrative of Accreditation Report on May 15 , 2020

Fajardo EPP CAEP Final Accreditation Report, May 15, 2020  

Fajardo TEP – TEAC-CERTIFICATION Feb 28 , 2012 to Feb 2019


Puerto Rico State Law 109, Salary for teachers as of 2008. (P. de la C. 4130), 2008, ley 109

Fajardo Campus Teacher Education Specialties Graduation Rates Cohorts 2008 to 2013 (2014-2018)

Fajardo Campus Teacher Education Program Specialties Retention Rates from 2014 to 2018

Circular Letter Num. 34-2015-2016- Public Policy of Teacher Certification (PCMAS)

Section 4 Display of Candidate Performance Data Year 2020

FC EPP Detailed Narrative and Tables of the Annual Report 2020

English Translation Graduate Education Programs in Moratory

FC Cohort Default Rate as of FEB 2019

EPP -UG Retention Rates – Cohorts 2014 to 2018- English Translation

UG-TEP Graduation Rates – Cohorts 2008 to 2013- English Translation

FC Retention Rates in MA in Educational Leadership Cohorts 2016 to 2018 English Translation

Fajardo Campus Four-year Graduation Rates – MA Programs Cohorts 2013 to 2015 – English Translation

Fajardo Campus EPP PCMAS 2018-2019 Institutional-Level Pass-Rate Data Report on Teacher Certification Test

Original- English Translation employment Milestones from DEPR Educational Leadership Program 2016 to 2019


Original- English Translation employment Milestones from DEPR Educational Leadership Program 2016 to 2019

Original in Spanish Employment Milestones Advance Educational Leadership Program years 2017 to 2019

EPP 2018-19 DEPR Certification of completers employment mileage

Employment milestones evidence from DR. MALDONADO to 4 private Schools – 2018-19 UG completers

Employment UG milestones from 2018-19 completers from _ PROF_ CESAR MELENDEZ- Private schools

Employment milestones evidence from PROF. LORELL I. RIVERA to 4 private schools Centers and phone calls -2018-91 completers

Summary of the Employment MILESTONES from UG EPP year 2018-19 completers made to Private Schools from EPP Faculty – January-February 2020

2019 – PCMAS Survey – Spanish – ‘’Perfil académico y socioeconómico de los solicitantes a tomar las Pruebas de Certificación de Maestros (PCMAS)’’

Satisfaction of Advance Completers and Employment Milestones from the IAUPR Survey during January 2019

Section 4 Display of Candidate Performance Data Year 2019

Detailed Narrative and tables included in the Annual Report 2019

Fajardo Campus DEFAULT RATE- Feb. 2019

Fajardo TEP PCMAS single and aggregate scores years 2015 to 2018


Retención y Graduación CAEP – Recinto Fajardo – 12 feb 2019

IAUPR Employer survey-English translation

2019 – Retention and Graduation Rates – Cohort 2007- CAEP — 12 feb 2019

DEPR FC 2018 graduates milestones from the Central Office of the DEPR

Evidence of the Annual Report 2019 uploaded at Aims ( Year 2018 )

Section 4 Display of Candidate Performance Data Year 2018

A. 5.4.2 New 2018 FAJARDO TEP ANUAL REPORT – ( Detailed narrative and Tables )


IAUPR-COHORT-DEFAULT-RATE Report in -March-2-2018

TEP Milestones data – Empleabilidad Fajardo-TEP-Graduates-from-DEPR-2018

Fajardo TEP Retention Rate Years Cohorts 2008 to 2016

2018 Annual report Templete completed at AIMS

Section 4 Display of Candidate Performance Data Year 2017

Final Detailed Narrative and Data Draft of Annual Report Year 2017

PCMAS TEP Survey-results-from-College-Board-of-PR-to-candidates-graduates-year-2017

Present-Classification-of-the-teacher-preparation-programs EPP from DEPR


2017 Retention Rates Fajardo TEP



Fajardo Campus Graduation Cohorts Rates

Employability Data Advance Programs obtained by DEPR, Human Resources Offices 2017

Retention and Graduation Data for Annual 2018. Fajardo by Specialties – 16 feb 2018 English

2017 Annual Report format uploaded in AIMS April, 2018

IAU, Student Default Rates, COHORT DEFAULT RATE- Updated in March 2015 from three year cohort Default

Section 4 Display of Candidate Performance Data Year 2016

2016  Annual Report  Data  from Fajardo TEP, for year 2015


Fajardo Retention Rates 2014 cohort CAEP 2015-2016



Official Fajardo TEP Graduation Rates  2015-2016

Fajardo Campus Graduation Rates Cohorts 2006 to 2016

TEP PCMAS  Single and Aggregate Assesssmet Results Year 2016-17

2016 Annual reports uploaded at AIMS

Fajardo TEP  Retention-Rates-years-2008-2016

Section 4 Display of Candidate Performance Data Year 2015

Section 3.1 Substantive Changes in the published Vision, Mission, Goals, Objectives and Graduate profile

Annual Report Data and narrative for 2015 uploaded at AIMS

FAJARDO-TEP- PCMAS Results of AGGREGATE Assessent Pass Rate


PCMAS Survey-results-from-College-Board-of-PR-to-candidates-graduates-year-2015

IAUPR TEP 2015 Retention and Graduation Rates

Evidence 3.5 Admission and Graduation requirements Requirements for the Teacher Education Program

Table 3- 7 Classification of the teacher preparation program by DEPR

A. 3.9.2 IAUPR Official Graduation rates for the Annual Report (2015) for CAEP FC TEP

Table 3-6 Satisfaction of Completers in regards to their preparation

Table 5 Employment Milestones at TEP Fajardo Campus Graduates

Table 4 Results Employers Questionnaires


Results Employers Questionnaires

Satisfaction of Completers in regards to their preparation year 2013-15

Classification of the teacher preparation program by DEPR

Annual Report Format uploaded at AIMS

Section 4 Display of Candidate Performance Data Year 2014

The Fajardo Campus TEP data for 2014 Annual report April 3, 2014

Annual Report 2014 – at AIMS

Ability of Completers to meet Licensing (Para annual 2014)

Department of Education and Social Sciences Description, 2014 Annual

DEPR Law 109 Salary teachers

Results SIAMM vs PCMAS 2012 TEAC


PCMAS Vs. SIAAM Year 2014 Reports